
How Our Culture Borrows the Mindset of Ancient Kings.

By ryderharnett / November 1, 2024 /

Chaos & the Elevation of Man While most people recognize ancient civilizations for their pagan nature, many do not realize how modern cultures have adopted beliefs that stem from ancient philosophies. How is it that we have taken a page from ancient cultures and adopted their ideologies into our own thinking? Ancient kings, like those…

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The Doctrine of the Rapture is an Unbiblical and Debilitating Lie

By ryderharnett / November 1, 2024 /

The Doctrine of the Rapture is an Unbiblical and Debilitating Lie Introduction A few months ago, I asked some of my Christian friends what they thought the end of the world would look like. They responded by seriously and matter-of-factly delving into all the possible and hypothetical ways the earth could explode, or be stricken…

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